
John and Lynn Morley

John and Lynn Morely


The Morley Companies Are A Fundraising Force

Written By Debra Gelbart
September , 2018

John and Lynn Morley have turned their love of golf into a fundraising force.

For nearly a decade, the couple has been managing the Annual Howard Young Atlanta Golf Classic in association with the Seena Magowitz Foundation and its mission of funding pancreatic cancer medical research.

The Howard Young Atlanta Classic is a one-day event, annually that benefits the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) in Phoenix, and the HonorHealth Research Institute. Its researchers are committed to discovering methods of early detection and new evolutionary treatments for pancreatic cancer.

John Morley and Roger Magowitz, founder of the Seena Magowitz Foundation have known each other for 30 years and Lynn and Roger’s wife Jeanne have known each other since they were in college together.

The Howard Young Atlanta Golf Classic

The tournament is named in honor of Atlanta-area resident Howard Young, who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2002 and is one of the longest-surviving pancreatic cancer warriors in the world. “Roger introduced Howard Young to me over 10 years ago and asked me to assist in this fundraiser,” John said.

The ninth annual Howard Young Atlanta Classic was held in May 2019 raising more than $130,000 for pancreatic cancer research. Over the last decade, the event has generated more than $1 million total for the cause.

“It’s so gratifying to be a co-chairman with Howard to raise money every year that we hope will move us closer and closer to new treatments and ultimately to a cure for pancreatic cancer,” John said. “We want to see many more Howards in the years ahead living a normal life span even when diagnosed with this daunting disease.”

The Drive To Be The Best

John has been a successful business owner for 30 years, so it’s not surprising he would enjoy success in his philanthropic endeavors, too. An engineer by training, he worked in the nuclear power and oil and gas industries before establishing his own company, JJ Morley Enterprises, Inc. in Atlanta in 1988. The company specializes in commercial waterproofing and restoration of buildings and maintains a separate company offering environmental services run by Lynn Morley. The companies are based in the Atlanta area also maintain locations in Birmingham, Alabama and West Palm Beach, Florida. The companies, with 200 employees, have clients as far away as New Jersey and the Philadelphia area and as far west as Texas. “We like to think we’re the go-to contractors for building restoration services,” John said.

John Morley has become an expert on the many materials incorporated into buildings and the effects on them of environmental conditions, the major causes of aging and deterioration and practices used in the restoration processes and leak-stopping. He is certified by the states of Alabama, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Florida and West Virginia for his competency in the knowledge of construction.

Lynn Morley has operated the Morley Environmental Company since its inception in 1994. She has led Morley Environmental to a position as one of the Southeast region’s most respected hazardous materials abatement companies. She has put together a well-trained team of field supervisors and field personnel known as among the best in the asbestos and lead-paint abatement industry. She is a graduate of the American Intercontinental University with a degree in interior design and is a registered interior designer with the Georgia State Board of Architects and Interior Designers

The Morleys, who have been married for 37 years and have two married children and three grandchildren, don’t limit their support and philanthropy for pancreatic cancer research to only the golf tournament they run. They have attended Seena Magowitz Foundation Annual Golf Classics for many years including the 2018 16th Annual Seena Magowitz Golf Classic held in Boston.

John was especially happy to return to Boston last year, the area where he grew up. He enjoyed participating in the signature event of the Seena Magowitz Foundation annual fundraiser, playing golf at the Wellesley Country Club in suburban Boston. “It was truly enjoyable to play golf in ideal weather on a beautiful, private golf course like Wellesley,” John said. “Playing golf is simply a great way to raise money for pancreatic cancer research,” he said.

This year (2019), he and Lynn have been anticipating the 17th Annual Golf Classic in Phoenix. “Getting to see Dr. Von Hoff and Roger again is always great, and I’m happy to have the opportunity to again support the Seena Magowitz Foundation,” John said. “We were in Phoenix for the very first golf classic in 2002 and thoroughly that inaugural experience. We’re looking forward to being back in Phoenix.”